Nut allergy kids travel to Greece family CV (1)

A Parent’s Guide to Keeping Nuts Off The Table When Traveling to Greece

    Not to startle you, but tree nut allergies have officially hit fever pitch, especially among kids. Experts conclude that allergic reactions to nuts have tripled in American kids, especially during the past few decades, meaning we -as parents- need to be as vigilant as ever.

    And yes, revamping their lunchboxes is one way to deal with this issue, but what happens when it’s time to step foot into a foreign country where nuts are served almost daily, and you don’t know the language? Well, if Greece is next on your family’s bucket list, these are foolproof tips will keep you from going… nuts over nuts (pun intended!).


    If your child suffers from a nut allergy, it is imperative that you communicate ASAP. Kids Love Greece has prepared a template for an allergy card in Greek (Greek letters and phonetic). Contact us if you would like to get a copy of it.

    Alternatively, you can order an “allergy language card” and an “emergency card” from a specialized site like: . You can get that type of card in both English and Greek.

    So, using this card you can inform the waiter and he / she will be able to suggest plates that are nut free or show you what to avoid.

    Nut Allergy travel to Greece
    Kids Love Greece: Nut Free

    Say No To Syrup-Drenched Pastries (Siropiasta)

    If you’re a fan of the Mediterranean culture, you know that the Greek cuisine is home to some of the tastiest desserts, most of which involve large servings of phyllo soaked in syrup. Unfortunately, somewhere between all that syrupy goodness, lies a hefty dollop of candied nuts (such as pistachios, walnuts, and almonds) which are ready to put your kid in anaphylaxis mode.

    Since no one wants that, make sure to stay away from such desserts, no matter what. And if you don’t know which ones we’re talking about, this quick list may come in handy: baklava, kadaifi, ekmek, galaktoboureko, saragli, and karidopita.

    Athen Baklava Baking Workshop Ideal Family Cooking Class kidslovegreece Athens gastronomy greek desserts Private Experience culinary

    Watch Out For These Dips

    By now you know that nuts and Greek desserts go hand in hand (well, in most cases). But, besides playing a huge role in pastry making, nuts are also found in several savory dishes where they dub as thickeners. That said, they’re part of many sauces and dips which makes them a big no-no for your allergic child because of the methods might be used in the manufacture. So, to keep your little one safe, stay away from spreads like taramosalata (that’s a pinkish fish-roe dip) and skordalia (this one is a yummy garlic, potato, bread mash-up).

    taramosalata dip greek food

    Keep An Eye Out For The Salads

    You’d think that salads are a safe choice for anyone trying to avoid tree nuts. And for the most part, they are, but Greeks tend to do things a bit differently in this department. That said, many Greek salads (and no, we’re not just talking about the tomato, cucumber, feta combo here) contain nuts such as walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, chestnuts, and almonds. In some cases, chefs go as far as to top their dishes with nut-based dressings instead of olive oil, so make sure you ask the waiter beforehand.

    Kids Love Greece: Nut Free salad
    Kids Love Greece: Nut Free Salad

    Check out if the cafeteria/ restaurant serves nuts

    If you have a child who is allergic even to a trace of nut, you must be even more careful.

    For example, there are kids who should not eat anything that has been cooked in the same pan as peanuts (or any other nuts), or even have been stirred with a spoon that has been used for a dish that contains nuts. If this is the case, you should definitely ask if the chef or waiter has touched nuts as he/she should not prepare or serve food for your child.

    Also, be extra careful when you just stop for a drink as often a bowl crisps or nuts is being offered with drinks (at no cost). In that case, it is likely that the staff in those places have been in contact with nuts. Maybe it is a good idea to choose another cafe/bar. Better safe than sorry.

    Have you traveled abroad with a nut-allergic kid before? We’d love to hear how you dealt with it in the comments down below!

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    • Hi could I have a copy of the allergy card in Greek for nuts, peanuts and sesame seeds please

      • Hi Samuel, Thank you for your message. We just sent you an email about the allergy card. Katerina

      • Hi, great article. May I pls have the nut allergy card as well. Thanks, Bill

        • Hello Bill! Absolutely. Zoe has already sent you an email with all info you need. Looking forward to your email. All the best.

      • Please can you send me a template of the allergy card for nut allergy medication Greek
        Thank you

        • Kelly, thank you for you request! Please note that Maria has already sent you an email. Have a great trip to Greece!

    • Could I have a copy of the tree nut allergy card please? Thank you so much.

      • Hi Brianna, Thank you for your message. We just sent you an email about the allergy card. Katerina

    • Hi could I have a copy of the tree nut allergy card? Thank you so much.

    • Could I also have a copy of the allergy card in Greek for nuts and possibly shrimp/prawns as well. Daughter is allergic to Macadamia nuts, peanuts, walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts, as well as Shrimp/prawns. Thank you so very much.

      • Dear Eddie, Thank you for your email. I just sent you the allergy card template in English. Please make any amendments, send it back to me and I will send you the Greek translation.
        All the best,

    • My child suffers from a nut allergy (peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios). Can you please share a template for an allergy card in Greek (Greek letters and phonetic). Thanks a lot!

      • Hello Ágnes! Maria has already sent you an email with all info you need. Looking forward to your email. All the best.

    • Please could I have a copy of the allergy card due to not newing able to eat nuts many thanks

      • Hello Tracy! Absolutely. Zoe has already sent you an email with all info you need. Looking forward to your email. All the best, Maria, on behalf of Kids Love Greece.

    • Hi! Great article and good info. Could I have a copy of the peanuts & tree nut allergy card please? Thank you so much.

      • Hello Monique! Thank you for your interest in our allergy card. Maria has already sent you an email with all info you need.

      • Hello Debbie! Thank you for your request. Maria has already sent you an email. Enjoy your stay in Greece.

    • Hi Could I have a copy of the allergy Card in Greek for nut allergy.

      • Hello Noelle! Thank you for your request. Maria has already sent you an email. All the best.

    • Hi, please could I have a copy of the tree nut allergy card from in Greek etc please, thanks

      • Hello Anouska! Thank you so much for your interest in our Allergy Card. Maria has already sent you an email with all info you need. Looking forward to your email. All the best.

    • Hello,

      Thanks for the information, may I also request the allergy card as well for all peanuts/nuts/tree nuts. Thanks!

      • Hello Melissa! Thank you for your request about the Allergy card. Maria has already sent you an email. Looking forward to your response.

    • Could I please have an allergy card for tree nuts for Greece? Thank you so much

      • Hello Jennifer! Thank you very much for your interest in our Allergy card. Maria has already sent you an email. All the best.

    • could i have a allergy card for all nuts and sesame seeds in greek please

      • Hello Darren! Thank you very much for your interest in our Allergy card. Maria has already sent you an email. Have a great day!

      • Hello Christina! Maria has already sent you an email. Thank you for your interest.

    • Could I have a copy of the tree nut allergy card please? Thank you so much.

      • Hello Lisa! Thank you for your interest in our Allergy Card. Maria has already sent you an email. All the best, the Kids Love Greece team.

    • Hi. Could I please a copy of the allergy card in English and Greek for tree nuts? Thank you

      • Hello Marie! Thank you for your interest in our Allergy Card. Maria has already sent you an email. All the best.

    • Hi please could I have a copy of the allergy card – great article and info thanks Becky

      • Hello Rebecca! Maria has already sent you an email. Thank you and have a great day!

    • Hello,
      Could I please have a copy of the allergy card for peanuts, tree nuts (my daughter is allergic to some, but not all), sesame, and sunflower seeds?

      Thank you very much for providing this option.

      • Christina, thank you for your question. Maria has already reply to you via email. Enjoy your stay in Greece!

    • Hi, could I have a copy of the allergy card in Greek for all Tree nuts and peanuts? Thank you

      • Hello Lisa! Thank you for your question. Maria has already sent you an email with the allergy card.

    • Hi,
      Could you send me an allergy card for nuts, peanuts, and egg allergies written in the Greek language?
      Thank you,

      • Hello Dee! Thank you for your request of our allergy card. Maria has already contacted you.

      • Hello Nathan! Thank you for your request. Maria has already sent you an email with the allergy card.

    • Hello, I am allergic to all nuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, shrimp and pawns. Can you please share a template for an allergy card in Greek (Greek letters and phonetic). Thanks a lot!

      • Hello Oscar! Thank you for the request for our allergy card in Greek. Maria has already sent you an email. Enjoy your trip to Greece!

    • Hi! We’re traveling to Greece soon. My child is allergic to walnuts and pecans. Could I have a copy of the card? Thank you!

      • Hello Penny! Thank you very much for your interest in our Allergic card. Please note that Maria has sent you an email. Enjoy your vacation in Greece!

    • Please could I have a copy of the allergy card for peanuts in Greek. Many thanks

      • Hello Caroline and thank you for your request. Please note that Maria has already sent you an email for our allergy card. Have a great trip to Greece!

    • Hello! Could I please have a copy of the allergy card in Greek for tree nuts?
      Thank you!

      • Dear Meghan, thank you for your request. Maria has already sent you an email. All the best by the Kids Love Greece team.

    • Hi please could I have a copy of the tree nut allergy card? Many thanks

      • Dear Debra, thank you for your interest in our allergy card! Maria has already sent you an email.

    • Great tips on travelling with an allergy. Please send me a copy of the card for tree nuts and nut oils.

      • Hello Juanita! Thank you for your request on our allergy card! Maria has already sent you an email. Have a great trip to Greece!

    • I’d love a copy of allergies in Greek for nuts and peanuts.
      Thank you.

      • Hello Genevieve! Thank you fr your request in our allergy card! Maria has already sent you an email. Enjoy your trip to Greece!

    • Hello! Can I please get a copy of the nut allergy card in Greek?thanks

      • Hello Jacqueline! Thank you for your interest in our allergy card. Please note that Maria has already sent you an email.

    • Could I please have a translation card from English to Greek for tree nut and peanut allergy please?

      • Hi Nicola! Thank y u for your request in our allergy card! Please note that Maria has already sent you an email.

    • Hi. Could I have a copy of the allergy card for ALL NUTS please? Thank you in advance.

      • Dear Lindsay, thank you for your request in our allergy card. Please note that Maria has already contacted you. Have a great trip to Grece!

    • Hey,

      Please may I have an allergy card for peanuts and tree nuts? Thanks

      • Hi Ella! Thank you for your interest in our allergy card! Maria has already contacted you via email. Have a great trip to Greece!

    • Could I please get an allergy card about Brazil nut and tree nut allergy.

      • Hi Nicola! Thank you for your request in our allergy card! Maria has already sent you an email.

      • Hello Alek1 Maria has already sent you email with our suggested allergy card. Thank you!

    • Hi – could I have a copy of the allergy card in Greek for all nuts and peanuts? Thanks!

      • Hello Melanie! Please note that Maria has already sent you an email with our allergy card. Thank you!

    • Would you please send me your template for egg, peanut and tree nut allergies? Thank you!

      • Dear Jennifer, thank you for your request. maria has already sent you an email. Have a great trip to Greece!

    • Hi, please could I have a copy of the allergy card in Greek for all tree nuts and particularly peanuts.

      • Thank you for your request! Maria has already sent you an email. Have a splendid time in Greece!


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