Quote from Question to Our Team on 31/08/2021, 12:22Hello. You could help us a lot with a question we have. Did you know how many hours is the flight from New York, USA to Athens, Greece?
Hello. You could help us a lot with a question we have. Did you know how many hours is the flight from New York, USA to Athens, Greece?
Quote from Our Trip Planner Response on 31/08/2021, 12:42It all depends on the departure airport. For example, New York to Athens, Greece ATH with a direct flight is approximately 9 h and 30 minutes.
On the flipper side, the flight time to Athens, Greece ATH from NYC with a non-direct flight is almost 11 hours (10 h and 50 min).
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to send us an email at: [email protected].
It all depends on the departure airport. For example, New York to Athens, Greece ATH with a direct flight is approximately 9 h and 30 minutes.
On the flipper side, the flight time to Athens, Greece ATH from NYC with a non-direct flight is almost 11 hours (10 h and 50 min).
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to send us an email at: info@kidslovegreece.com.